速報APP / 娛樂 / Starburst Magazine Vault

Starburst Magazine Vault





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Magzter, The Digital Newsstand Magzter Inc., One Rockefeller Plaza, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10020

Starburst Magazine Vault(圖1)-速報App

Deep beneath the Offices of Starburst Magazine, lies the Vault. Deep, dark, metallic, and impregnable. Carefully guarding the printed archive that is home to the entire run of Starburst, from Issues 1 to 365.

Starburst Magazine Vault(圖2)-速報App

Many issues of Starburst, predate the digital age, and though perfectly preserved, they still carried the printing imperfections of the day. Some issues were also in short supply prior to archiving, and had not stood the test of time as well as others. This is why a rigorous enhancement and digital restoration is being carried out on every single issue.

Starburst Magazine Vault(圖3)-速報App

It is our intention to unlock The Vault from time to time, release these gems for you to download and collect.

Starburst Magazine Vault(圖4)-速報App

Stay with us. We intend for you to own the entire content of The Vault, and share the rich history of the longest running Sci-Fi magazine in the UK – STARBURST.

Starburst Magazine Vault(圖5)-速報App